more than a service
At Sequoia, our hope is you get to know us and become part of our community by sharing a meal with a new person once a month, sitting in with one of our Groves at least once a year, or serving our community in a tangible way.
We don’t want Sequoia Church to be all about “coming to church on Sunday.” But when you do make it here, here’s some information you may find helpful.
when and where
Our service start at 10:00am every Sunday. Make sure you grab a bulletin on your way in as it has information about our upcoming belonging, following and serving events.
where do my kids go?
We love our kids and parents at Sequoia Church, so we try hard to balance including our kids in our Sunday morning worship while providing a place for them to learn and grow in fun, creative ways.
If you have a child Nursery through 1st grade, they will go directly to their classrooms. Kids in grades 2nd and up start in the service and are dismissed with teachers after opening worship.
what is the worship like?
Since we have folks who are old and young, contemporary and traditional, structured and free flowing, we strive to present a worship posture that's inclusive of all our cultures and most importantly, gives us an awareness of God's immense grace and glory.
Worship is a tangible expression of a greater spiritual reality. When we worship, we praise and give to God, but we also receive and remember. It involves all of us, and that's why it's so important that our worship reflects a big God who meets us in all of our diversity.