Connecting at Sequoia

Through our Values of Belonging, Following, and Serving


Our Values

Here at Sequoia, we talk a lot about belonging, following, and serving. In fact, it’s impossible to ignore those three words when entering our church sanctuary! If you have attended our church, you know that these three values are central to our ministry, but what do they actually look like when acted upon? Practically speaking, what does it look like to belong, follow, and serve with Sequoia?

There are three simple rhythms that we invite you into at Sequoia.  We say rhythms because they are not obligations or rules.  They are opportunities to experience the blessing of our values.  Here are three simple ways that you can actively live out our values:

Share a meal with a new person once a month.

Sit in with a Grove at least once a year.

Serve our community in a tangible way.

Our church is not a worship service on Sundays; it is an active body of people that come together around our values. Through our values, we live our vision to be the presence of Christ, flooding our neighborhood with hope and renewal.

Click on these values to learn more.



Belonging at Sequoia means being accepted and loved no matter who you are or what you believe. Church isn't an exclusive club you can only join after you've checked off all the right boxes, but a community where you can journey toward Christ; and every journey starts somewhere. For many, belonging happens way before believing. We invite you to join us for one of our upcoming events.


following jesus in groves

Jesus invites us to follow him as a disciple. A disciple is a learner. We are learning to be like Jesus and transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. Transformation is not based upon what we do for God, it is based upon what Jesus did for us.

Getting in a "Grove" is the primary way we encourage folks to start following Jesus. The name comes from how Sequoia trees don't grow alone; rather, they grow together in groves. Each tree lives in a grove, their roots connect and intermingle, they depend on one another.


local and gloBAL MISSIONS

We are called to serve our community. We serve with no strings attached. We serve for the betterment of our community. At Sequoia, serving is not about volunteering for a worship service. Serving is the tangible and practical way we love our neighborhood. We partner with our local schools, community organizations, and businesses to bless them any way that we can. Our heart to serve goes beyond our neighborhood, serving our city and our valley.